Underage Drinking & Juvenile DUI Attorney

Pennsylvania’s blood alcohol content (BAC) limit for drivers under the age of 21 is 0.02%. If your child has been arrested for Underage Drinking or Juvenile DUI, you need an experienced juvenile defense attorney who will work aggressively to defend the charges.

Bucks County juvenile defense attorney Keith J. Williams understands that juveniles sometimes make mistakes, but they should not have to live with the consequences of that mistake for the rest of their lives. Mr. Williams provides legal advice, counseling and representation to underage clients who are facing Juvenile DUI and/or Underage Drinking.

Underage Drinking and Juvenile DUI

Pennsylvania’s “Zero Tolerance” Law for Underage Drinking & Juvenile DUI

Pennsylvania’s “Zero Tolerance” law lowered the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) for minors to .02%. Mixing alcohol with driving is always extremely dangerous. If you’re under 21 and you’re caught driving with ANY measurable amount of alcohol in your blood, you may be arrested for Driving Under the Influence (DUI).

Experienced Bucks County Juvenile Defense Attorney

Keith J. Williams routinely represents high school and college students who have been charged with underage drinking. A sometimes-overlooked effect of an underage DUI is that disclosure of the resulting conviction may be required on college applications, job applications, or for requests for some types of financial aid. The failure to report this information can result in the loss of rights, loss of financial aid, or even charges of perjury, if later discovered.

Underage Drinking Charges in Pennsylvania

In Pennsylvania, the offense commonly called “underage drinking” encompasses a much broader range of conduct than just drinking. Contact Keith J. Williams to ensure that your child’s rights are protected. As an experienced Juvenile DUI attorney, Mr. Williams has defended clients in all types of Juvenile DUI cases in Bucks County, Montgomery County, Lehigh County, Philadelphia and surrounding areas. He has the knowledge, training and experience to avoid and/or minimize penalties your child could be facing.

Keith J. Williams is dedicated to minimizing charges, fines, and the long-term consequences associated with Juvenile DUI charges:

  • Public Drunkenness
  • Misrepresentation of Age to Secure Liquor or Malt or Brewed Beverages
  • Purchase, Consumption, Possession or Transportation of Liquor or Malt or Brewed Beverages
  • Representing That a Minor is “of Age”
  • Inducement of Minors to Buy Liquor or Malt or Brewed Beverages
  • Selling or Furnishing Liquor or Malt or Brewed Beverages to Minors
  • Manufacture or Sale of False Identification Card
  • Carrying a False Identification Card
  • Selling or Furnishing Nonalcoholic Beverages to Persons Under 21
  • Minor Prohibited from Operating with any Alcohol in System
  • DUI-Minors

Juvenile DUI / Underage Drinking Defense

If your child has been arrested for Juvenile DUI or Underage Drinking in Bucks County or Montgomery County, you need an experienced Juvenile DUI Defense attorney who will work aggressively to defend the charges.

With the right Bucks County juvenile defense, your child can look toward a brighter future. Contact Keith J. Williams Law today!

Juvenile Defense

Has your child been arrested for Underage Drinking? Ensure that your child’s rights are protected.

What to Expect if Your Child Gets Arrested

Know what happens if your child gets arrested in Bucks County.

Underage Drinking

Know the penalties associated with drinking under 21 in Pennsylvania.


Know the DUI Impairment Penalties.

Juvenile DUI and Underage Drinking Defense

If your child is in trouble, contact Keith J. Williams today at 215-340-1134 and discuss your options with an experienced juvenile defense attorney.

Need an Award-Winning Lawyer?  Contact Keith J. Williams Law Today!

Criminal Defense Attorney Keith J. Williams, Esq.
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Pennsylvania Bar Association
Bucks County Bar Association
Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
American Inns of Court