ARD Program Attorney
Pennsylvania law recognizes that a first offense may not always be a true representation of a person’s character and allows, in some instances, a second chance.
The Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) Program, is a pre-trial intervention program unique to PA that diverts first time offenders, who are unlikely to commit another crime, out of the criminal justice system and into treatment and rehabilitation.
If you are a first-time offender of a non-violent crime, experienced Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) Program attorney Keith J. Williams is ready to help you keep your record clean and put this all behind you.
Call 215-340-1134 to find out if you are eligible and get started now!
ARD Program Eligibility
If you are a first-time offender of a non-violent crime, experienced Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) Program attorney Keith J. Williams is ready to help you navigate the process and help you complete all the required steps of the ARD program.
ARD Program Eligibility Factors
In Pennsylvania, eligibility for ARD depends upon a variety of factors:
Crimes Eligible for the ARD Program
If your criminal record is otherwise clean, you may be eligible for offenses such as:
ARD Program Benefits
ARD is considered a diversionary program. It is an alternative to trial, to conviction, and to some of the mandatory penalties a conviction brings. The ARD program in Pennsylvania can help first-time offenders:
Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) Admission
It’s important to have an experienced, knowledgeable criminal defense attorney guide you through the ARD process. Keith J. Williams can help determine if you qualify for the ARD program, if the ARD program is the right option for you and help you successfully apply for admission.
ARD Admission Process
The application requirements, process and procedures for admission into the ARD program differ within each Pennsylvania County. Keith J. Williams can help you navigate the process and help you complete all the required steps of the ARD program.
Required Steps of the ARD Admission Process
- Waive your rights to a speedy trial from the date of your application for ARD until the date on which your case is finally disposed.
- Submit a completed ARD Application to the assigned Magisterial District Court.
- Submit a completed ARD Information Form with your ARD Application to the assigned Magisterial District Court.
What Happens Next
The Magisterial District Court will forward your application to the District Attorney’s office. The District Attorney will determine whether or not you are accepted into the ARD program.
If your application for ARD is conditionally approved by the Bucks County District Attorney’s Office, a court hearing where you will be formally placed into the ARD program will be scheduled.
If you are not accepted into the ARD program, you will receive a rejection letter and your case will be scheduled for a trial date.
Criminal Record Expungement After ARD Program Completion
If you complete the ARD program successfully, you qualify for a record expungement, meaning that your criminal record can be cleared of the arrest and charges after completion of the ARD program.
Effective April 1, 2013 in Bucks County, PA: Upon successful completion of your ARD agreement in Bucks County, PA, the Court will automatically dismiss the charges against you and your criminal record will be expunged pursuant to Rules 319 and 320 of the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure. If you were granted ARD between June 1, 2011 and March 28, 2013; your case will not be automatically expunged. You may petition the courts for expungement if you have successfully completed all of you ARD requirements.
In other counties such as Montgomery County and Lehigh County, you are eligible to have your criminal record expunged, but it is not automatic. Contact Keith J. Williams Law to file your expungement petition today!

Advantages of Hiring Keith J. Williams, Esq. to Handle Your ARD
Criminal defense attorney Keith J. Williams, Esq. has decades of experience defending clients against criminal charges and has a comprehensive understanding of the laws and procedures governing the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) Program.
As an experienced ARD attorney, Mr. Williams can help determine if you are eligible for the ARD program, if the ARD program is right option for you, and help you apply for admission into the ARD program as quickly, thoroughly and efficiently as possible so you can put this behind and look forward to a future unhindered by the past.
For more information on the ARD Program throughout Pennsylvania, call experienced ARD attorney Keith J. Williams now at 215-340-1134!
To find out if you are eligible for the ARD Program in Pennsylvania, call experienced ARD attorney Keith J. Williams at 215-340-1134.