Young people make mistakes. It’s a natural part of growing up. But when a wrong decision lands a juvenile in legal trouble, that mistake can significantly alter the course of his or her life. Everything from trying to find a job to renting an apartment to securing a loan becomes more challenging, sometimes impossible, with an arrest on your record.

Experienced Expungement Lawyer

As an experienced expungement lawyer serving the Bucks County community for over 35 years, Keith J. Williams Law helps former juvenile offenders get a fresh start. Pennsylvania law allows for the expungement of juvenile records under certain circumstances. With the right legal representation, you can make the law work for you, and you don’t have to be haunted by your past forever.

What Is Expungement and How Does It Work?

In Pennsylvania, expungement means that a juvenile criminal record is destroyed and completely removed from the system. If your petition to have your record expunged is successful, no potential employer, landlord or anyone else trying to run a background check will see any evidence of your prior arrest. Once expunged, the only way your previous record can be accessed is if law enforcement or a court requests it, and those requests are limited.

What Determines Eligibility For Expungement?

Many factors will determine whether a juvenile record is eligible for expungement, including:

  • How Old Are You? In most cases, you must be at least 18 years old for your expungement petition to be valid.
  • What Offense Did You Commit? The seriousness of the crime in question is taken into account.
  • How Long Ago Did You Commit The Offense? Each case is different, but you won’t be eligible for expungement for at least six months after you committed the offense.
  • Have You Been Arrested Since Then? Keeping your record clean after the initial offense is vital.

A skilled criminal defense lawyer will be able to assess an individual’s eligibility and determine how to draw up a successful expungement petition. It’s essential to put your case in the right hands.

Keith J. Williams Is The Expungement Lawyer You Need

As a respected criminal defense attorney in the Doylestown, PA, area, Keith J. Williams Law has made a career out of helping young people and families navigate their way out of legal trouble and rebuild their lives. We provide free, confidential consultations to clients throughout Bucks County.

Contact Keith J. Williams Law today by calling 215-340-1134 for a free confidential consultation to discuss the specifics of your situation.