The Bucks County Recovery Court began in 2010 for adults who are high risk/high need, non-violent offenders. It requires a minimum of one year to complete drug and/or alcohol rehabilitation programs.
Upon completion, depending on which group they fall into, participants will not only be able to overcome their substance abuse problems but will also have the opportunity to have their criminal charges reduced or dismissed.
Bucks County criminal defense attorney Keith J. Williams is dedicated to helping non-violent drug offenders avoid conviction, while also getting them the help and support they need through the Bucks County Recovery Court Program. While we hope to detail as much as we can about this diversion program, any and all questions can be directed to Keith J. Williams Law by dialing 215-340-1134.
Rules & Requirements for Participation
Certain rules and requirements must be met in order to participate in the Bucks County Recovery Court program. Rules and requirements are as follows:
- Must complete at least 12 months of participation. There are four phases in the 12-month program, with each phase lasting a minimum of 90 days.
- Participants will be penalized if they violate any of the Recovery Court rules or fail to achieve specific phase requirements.
- Participants must also have or obtain a high school diploma/GED and maintain full-time employment throughout the program. If full-time employment is not an option, “other approved use of time” must be documented.
- Adequate housing should be maintained throughout the entire treatment. An aftercare plan needs to be established before release.
What happens if any of the rules and/or requirements are violated?
Participants will be sanctioned if they break any of the above rules or fail to meet their phase requirements. Common violations include:
- Missing appointments
- Failing a drug test
- Dishonesty
- New arrest charges
- Lack of treatment participation
In addition, the Recovery Court Team reserves the right to impose sanctions that are relative to the violation. However, positive and purposeful participants can receive incentives for their good behavior.
How to Apply
Criminal defense attorney Keith J. Williams, Esq. has decades of experience defending clients against criminal charges and has a comprehensive understanding of the laws and procedures the Bucks County Recovery Court Program.
As an experienced Bucks County criminal defense lawyer, Keith J. Williams can help determine if you are eligible for the Bucks County Recovery Court Program, if the program is the right option for you, help you successfully apply for admission, and guide you through this difficult time.
To schedule your free and confidential consultation today, call 215-340-1134!
Click here for detailed information on the Bucks County Recovery Court Program.