
Dealing with Your DUI Responsibly: A Guideline

2018-11-13T19:41:48-05:00October 13th, 2017|DUI Defense|

Whenever you drink and drive, you must be prepared for the consequences. A DUI is a criminal offense that police will rarely ignore. If you have ever been pulled over by an officer after a night of drinking, you know how intimidating and frightening of an experience it can be. Be Calm and Cooperative Despite how high the stakes may be, the more cooperative you are and the calmer you appear with police the better off you are. In a heightened state, especially at night, you’re likely to be overwhelmed by your situation. By following the directions of the officer [...]

What To Know About New Senate Bill 290 A.K.A. “Ignition Interlock Law”

2018-11-13T19:43:00-05:00September 6th, 2017|DUI Defense, Pennsylvania Law|

Keith J. Williams, Esq., a Warminster, PA criminal defense attorney, wants to inform citizens across Pennsylvania about a new bill. On Friday, August 25, 2017, a new historic bill was put into effect. Sponsored by Senator John Rafferty, R-Montgomery County, Senate Bill 290 allows those charged with driving under the influence for the first time to prevent them from having their driver’s licenses suspended for one year. Instead, this Ignition Interlock Law lets offenders keep their licenses while paying to have an ignition interlock system installed in their vehicles. The goal of this new bill is to decrease the amount [...]

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