Bucks County District Court Diversion Program (DCDP)

The Bucks County District Court Diversion Program (DCDP) is a voluntary, treatment-focused program for Bucks County residents who are charged with substance use-related offenses and have no prior criminal record other than Possession of Marijuana.

As an alternative to trial and a criminal record, DCDP allows for such eligible cases to remain at the District Court level and offers immediate intervention services for the individual.

Defendants are assessed for drug and alcohol treatment and must comply with recommendations as well as attend status hearings with the Magisterial District Judge (MDJ). Successful completion of the program will result in dismissal of the charges.

Call 215-340-1134 to find out if you are eligible and get started now!

Benefits of the Bucks County District Court Diversion Program

  • Expedited resolutions at Magisterial District Court.

  • Accelerated and individualized access to Drug and Alcohol Assessment and/or other services.

  • Reduced court costs.

  • Upon successful completion, case is dismissed and eligible for expungement.

Eligibility & Acceptance into the Bucks County District Court Diversion Program

DCDP Eligibility Factors

Prior to or at the preliminary hearing, defendants must be referred to the District Attorney for DCDP consideration by the Magisterial District Judge.

To qualify for a referral to the DCDP, participants must meet the following qualifications:

  • Be a Bucks County resident who is not currently on probation or parole.

  • Be charged with a violation(s) of the Controlled Substance, Drug, Device, and Cosmetic Act:

    • Possession of a Controlled Substance – 35 § 780-113(a) (16)
    • Possession of a Small Amount of Marijuana – 35 § 780-113(a) (31)
    • Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – 35 § 780-113(a) (32)
    • Sale or Illegal Use of Certain Solvents and Noxious Substances (M3) – 18 § 7303
  • Have no prior criminal convictions other than Possession of Marijuana.

DCDP Acceptance

In addition, to be accepted into the DCDP, participants must:

  • Be approved by the District Attorney.

  • Waive both the preliminary hearing and Rule 600 (the right to a speedy trial).

  • Execute the appropriate documents, including irrevocable waivers related to the treatment programs, the District Attorney, and the Court.

  • Agree to comply with treatment conditions and to report to the Court as directed.

District Court Diversion Program

Requirements of the District Court Diversion Program in Bucks County

To successfully complete the District Court Diversionary Program participants must:

  • Complete a Drug & Alcohol Assessment in Accordance with Program Guidelines
    A Drug and Alcohol assessment must be completed within 3 business days of acceptance or immediately if the Magisterial District Judge determines that the defendant is at urgent risk of overdose/death.

  • Comply with Treatment Recommendations
    Participants participate in drug treatment for 60 to 90 days. All recommendations of the Drug and Alcohol Assessment must be complied with, including but is not limited to, inpatient and/or outpatient treatment and/or a decision-making counseling session.

  • Check in with the District Magistrate at regular intervals.
    Attendance at regular status hearings with the Magisterial District Judge is required throughout the duration of the District Court Diversionary Program term.

  • Remain Arrest Free.
    Participants must not get arrested for any new offense.

  • Maintain Sobriety.
    Participants must not use controlled substances.

  • Maintain Program Timeline.
    Program length: 3 months for marijuana cases; 6 months for other controlled substances. Participants must complete their program obligations without delay.

  • Maintain Contact.
    Participants must keep in contact with their Treatment Accountability for Safer Communities (TASC) Case Manager as well as maintain updated contact information with the court.

  • Pay Court Costs.
    The participant is responsible for all costs associated with the District Court Diversionary Program. However, the participant may apply to the Magisterial District Judge for indigency. If granted, costs will be waived and/or community service may be required in lieu of court costs at the discretion of the MDJ with the agreement of the DA.

Successful Completion of the Bucks County District Court Diversionary Program

Successful Completion of the Bucks County District Court Diversionary Program

If the participant successfully completes DCDP, their criminal charges will be dismissed by the Magisterial District Judge.

In addition, all records of the charges shall be expunged from the system for first-time offenders, except that the District Attorney shall retain a record of the defendant’s participation in the program.

Moreover, the District Attorney may agree, at his/her discretion, to expunge any other of the participant’s accompanying summary offenses upon application and for good cause shown.

Failure to Complete the Bucks County District Court Diversionary Program

Failure to Complete the Bucks County District Court Diversionary Program

Compliance with all DCDP requirements is a condition of the program. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in expulsion from the program.

The defendant’s case will then proceed through the normal criminal case process in the Court of Common Pleas in Doylestown for trial. Here the defendant will face higher costs and additional penalties that may include formal probation, incarceration, driver’s license suspension, and a permanent criminal record.

Bucks County District Court Diversionary Program Attorney

Criminal defense attorney Keith J. Williams, Esq. has decades of experience defending clients against criminal charges and has a comprehensive understanding of the laws and procedures the Bucks County District Court Diversion Program.

As an experienced attorney, Keith J. Williams can help determine if you are eligible for the Bucks County District Court Diversion Program, if the program is the right option for you, help you successfully apply for admission, and guide you through this difficult time.

For more information on the Bucks County District Court Diversion Program, call experienced ARD attorney Keith J. Williams now at 215-340-1134!

To find out if you are eligible for the Bucks County District Court Diversion Program (DCDP), call Keith J. Williams at 215-340-1134.

Need an Award-Winning Lawyer?  Contact Keith J. Williams Law Today!

Criminal Defense Attorney Keith J. Williams, Esq.
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Pennsylvania Bar Association
Bucks County Bar Association
Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
American Inns of Court