Bucks County Recovery Court Program

The Bucks County Recovery Court Program is a voluntary adult treatment court that assists high-risk, high-need, non-violent offenders with drug and alcohol treatment as an alternative to incarceration.

Scientific research since the mid-1970s shows that treatment of those with substance abuse disorders in the criminal justice system can change their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors toward drug use, avoid relapse, and successfully remove themselves from a life of substance use and crime.

Focusing on treatment and rehabilitation rather than punishment, the Bucks County’s Recovery Court Program is open to Bucks County residents who have been diagnosed with a substance use disorder and who have no history of violence.

Call 215-340-1134 to find out if you are eligible and get started now!

Bucks County Recovery Court Program

10 Key Components of Drug Courts

Utilizing the 10 Key Components of Drug Courts, based on proven national research and program models, Recovery Court helps assists offenders in achieving successful rehabilitation from the use of drugs and/or alcohol. In addition, program graduates may receive benefits such as reduction of charges, termination of supervision, and reduction of court costs.

The following components were developed by a national committee of experts for the Office of Justice Programs, Drug Courts Program Office:

  • 1

    Drug courts integrate alcohol and drug treatment services with justice system case processing.

  • 2

    Using a non-adversarial approach, prosecution and defense counsel promote public safety while protecting participants’ due process rights.

  • 3

    Eligible participants are identified early and promptly placed in the drug court program.

  • 4

    Drug courts provide access to a continuum of alcohol, drug, and related treatment and rehabilitation services.

  • 5

    Abstinence is monitored by frequent alcohol and illicit drug testing.

  • 6

    A coordinated strategy governs drug court responses to participants’ compliance.

  • 7

    Ongoing judicial interaction with each drug court participant is essential.

  • 8

    Monitoring and evaluating achievement of program goals is necessary to gauge effectiveness.

  • 9

    Continuing interdisciplinary education promotes effective drug court planning, implementation, and operations.

  • 10

    Forging partnerships among drug courts, public agencies, and community-based organizations generates local support and enhances drug court program effectiveness.

Eligibility & Acceptance into the Bucks County Recovery Court Program

Recovery Court Eligibility Factors

Participants in the program must meet the following criteria:

  • Bucks County resident

  • Individuals who have violated probation and are facing possible prison in a state facility OR who are considered “pretrial” (post-plea, pre-sentence offenders) with a diagnosis of a substance use disorder or a co-occurring disorder

  • No violent offenses

In addition, participants must also obtain a current drug and alcohol assessment to apply. If you are presently in treatment, you must submit a letter that confirms that you are participating in treatment that also indicates your level of care with your application.

Acceptance into the Program

The Bucks County Recovery Court Program requires a minimum of 1 year to complete and is comprised of 4 phases with each phase lasting a minimum of 90 days.

To successfully complete the program participants must:

  • Obtain a high school diploma or GED

  • Maintain full-time employment or other approved use of time

  • Maintain adequate housing

  • Successfully complete treatment

  • Establish an aftercare plan

  • Remain drug-free, alcohol-free, and arrest-free for 6 months prior to graduation

  • Pay court costs, fines, and restitution in full

Violations & Incentives in the Recovery Court Program

Violations in the Recovery Court Program

Participants that violate the Recovery Court rules or fail to achieve certain phase requirements will be sanctioned. Typical violations can include:

  • Dishonesty

  • Failed or adulterated drug tests

  • Lack of participation in treatment

  • Missed appointments

  • New arrests/charges

Sanctions in the Recovery Court Program

The Recovery Court Team reserves the right to impose these and/or other sanctions appropriate to each particular participant and violation. Sanctions may include:

  • Demotion in phases

  • Essays

  • Fines, curfew restrictions

  • Incarceration

  • Loss of incentives

  • Termination from the program

Incentives in the Recovery Court Program

In addition, participants that maintain purposeful and positive participation in the program may receive incentives as well.

These incentives will be determined by the Recovery Court Team and are dependent on available resources.

Successful Completion of the Bucks County Recovery Court Program

Bucks County Recovery Court Program

Probation/Parole Violators

For participants who are probation/parole violators, successful completion of Recovery Court may result in the reduction or termination of any remaining supervision.

Post-Plea, Pre-Sentence Offenders

For participants in the pretrial program, after entering a plea of guilty, sentencing will be deferred pending completion of the Recovery Court Program. Upon successful completion, the participant’s charges may be reduced, and the participant may be sentenced to non-reporting or administrative probation.

Bucks County Recovery Court Program Attorney

Criminal defense attorney Keith J. Williams, Esq. has decades of experience defending clients against criminal charges and has a comprehensive understanding of the laws and procedures the Bucks County Recovery Court Program.

As an experienced attorney, Keith J. Williams can help determine if you are eligible for the Bucks County Treatment Court Program, if the program is the right option for you, help you successfully apply for admission, and guide you through this difficult time.

For more information on the Bucks County Treatment Court Program, call experienced ARD attorney Keith J. Williams now at 215-340-1134!

To find out if you are eligible for the Bucks County Recovery Court Program, call Keith J. Williams at 215-340-1134.

Need an Award-Winning Lawyer?  Contact Keith J. Williams Law Today!

Criminal Defense Attorney Keith J. Williams, Esq.
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Pennsylvania Bar Association
Bucks County Bar Association
Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
American Inns of Court