How to Avoid a DUI on Memorial Day Weekend
Memorial Day Weekend is the unofficial kickoff to summer. There are parades, barbecues, parties—plenty of opportunity to celebrate.
If your Memorial Day celebration includes drinking alcohol, then make sure you plan ahead to avoid a DUI arrest!
1. Choose a Designated Driver
Agree upfront on who’ll be the non-drinking designated driver every time you go out, and don’t let anyone pressure them to drink. The designated driver should have a valid driver’s license and know everyone’s addresses.
2. Use a Rideshare Service
Before you go out, download a rideshare app. If you drove to the location and have been drinking, call Uber or Lyft or take public transportation for an inexpensive ride home. Leave your car and come back for it the next day.
3. Give Up Your Keys
Before you start drinking, hand over your keys to a trusted friend and remove the temptation to drive. If a friend attempts to drive after drinking, protect them by taking their keys and encouraging them to go with you.
4. Spend the Night
Plan a sleepover and don’t worry about getting home. Ask to stay the night at a friend’s house and wait until morning to go home. Or book a hotel room in advance; it’s a lot less expensive than a DUI.
5. Never Ride with an Intoxicated Driver
Make sure your ride home is a sober driver. Your driver may not believe themself to be impaired after having a few drinks. Or perhaps they think they’ve waited long enough after drinking and can handle driving home. Do not let them drive. It’s just not worth the risk.